We’ve all done it – splurged all of our cash right at the beginning of the month because we’ve just been paid. Whilst it might be exciting at the time, it will often lead to regret in the long run. There are much smarter ways of shopping.
Spend at the end of the month, not at the beginning. This way, you’ll know how much money you have left and you’ll have the added reassurance of more money coming into your bank account soon. You might not get quite the same thrill, but this way, you can look forward to both payday and the end of the month.
Make a conscious effort to save. Having some money stashed away for emergencies or for long-term goals will be incredibly useful. Just think – if you get a rush of excitement buying a new dress on payday, imagine how big a rush you’ll get when you’re able to buy a new car or put down a deposit on a house!
Having some shorter term goals is good as well, otherwise you might be waiting for years before you can buy anything to enjoy. Aim to save for something you’ve wanted for a while over a few months. You’ll be much happier you had the patience to wait when you’re able to buy the pair of boots or new television you’ve had your eye on for ages.